28 Feb 2016

it has been a while

I know it has been ages since my last post and I owe you a massive apology for that. But better later than never so here is a new post from me.

There wasn't a particular reason that I haven't been writing, I was just busy with school and traveling to nice places and well I guess at some point I need to use laziness as an excuse as well. I did have days I thought I ought to write about though like the day I was in the United Kingdom for 5 months which was the half of my exchange year and now it's already more than 6 months that I'm here and I don't even realise how fast the time goes past. Time can be a scary thing sometimes. I mean hitting the half way mark of my english experience was something I wouldn't have imagined to be that powerful. For a few days I wasn't sure if the words "wow already half way" or "still 5 months to go" were more appropriate but I realised that the speed of time, especially when something hasn't started to last forever, is a serious part of our lives and furthermore how important it is to enjoy every moment (I know that sounds like one of these "life is always amazing"- stupid-shit-sentences but in this case I think I might actually be right). After seeing the experience of an exchange student with my own eyes the sentence "Exchange isn't a year in a life, it's a life in a year." got a whole new meaning for me. It was just one of these extremely meaningful yet at the same time totally hollow and meaningless sayings that are nice to hear but at the end if the day they are forgotten. And I tell you what, I won't forget it ever again because you know what? It is insanely true.

As I mentioned above I have been busy traveling around and meeting friends on the weekends and this weekend I went to the close and lovely town York again. I have been there several times now, I love to be there and this weekend I met a friend of mine from Austria there before she came to stay over at my place (love my girls sleepovers a lot sometimes really). It was an amazing weekend and it was so great to see her again. And although I'm almost completely fluent in english by now (I even dream in that language) I have to say it was more than relaxing for my brain to talk in german for whole two days again. However it was hilarious how we both managed to mix it up with english all the time ("Wast eh ds is like daham but a bisl aundas is scho, ya know what I mean oder?" - for everyone who is able to read and understand austrian german). We also took loads of pictures and I finally have got something that comes close to an #ootd post again.
Well I actually wore the most comfy look I can think of. I swear I love these boyfriend-jeans they are my new love (I know it sounds sad doesn't it ahahaha) and I had a hat on my head which I really wanted to wear again since it has been laying in my room for months (made the look at least a little fashionable).

I wish you all a great start into your week and for me I hope I will start posting more often again.
Lots of Love,

Pictures by Maria Pohn

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